Emulation cluster No. 3 held the 2023 Sports Festival

On September 07, at Hoa Lu Football field (Bien Hoa City), the Emulation Cluster No. 3 under Dong Nai Provincial Labor Confederation held the opening ceremony of the 2024 Sports Festival of Emulation Cluster No. 3

The Sports Festival takes place from September 7-September 22, hosted by the Sonadezi Corporation – Head of Emulation cluster No. 3. This is the one of Practical activities to celebrate major holidays of the year.

The opening ceremony of the Sports Festival of Emulation Cluster No. 3 on September 07

This Sports Festival is an opportunity for Cluster units to exchange, practice sports, and strengthen solidarity. Moreover, this occasion creates a healthy and valuable playground; which contributes to improving the health and mental wellbeing of workers and employees in the entire Cluster to complete every task, and also contributes to the successful implementation of the XIIIrd Congress Resolution of Vietnam Trade Union and the XIth Congress Resolution of the Dong Nai Provincial Trade Union.

Several images at the Sports Festival

With many attractive competitions such as men’s mini soccer, women’s mini soccer, and tug of war…, the Sports Festival attracted 200 athletes and a multitude of fans from 7 units of Emulation Cluster No. 3.

The opening match of Men’s Mini Soccer Tournament

On this occasion, Emulation Cluster No. 3 held the Support Program to support workers and employees in difficult situations at the grassroots trade unions under units in the Cluster with a total budget of 35 million VND.